Shirt: Pull and Bear, Jumper: Topshop, Pants: River Island, Shoes: Zara, Bag and Watch: ASOS.
first thing I want say is a huge, HUGE thank you to everyone who gave me
positive comments and well wishes after my first blog post. Sharing Bonne
Chance with everyone was most definitely the scariest thing I've ever
done. It sounds dramatic but when it's something that I so want to be great at
and is so personal, making yourself vulnerable and putting it out there to
be judged is terrifying. Which makes me that much more grateful for all of
the support I received.
I first decided to start a blog, I immediately began to do research
into what my blog personality would be, would I just focus on one topic or make
it broader, should I only feature my personal style, should I do extras? How
should my photos be, should I make it easy and do 'selfies' or go with
what I really wanted, but not sure if I could pull it off and do proper pics?
For the most part I decided to make it up as I go along and just do what felt
right at the time, but I do hate the whole self portrait in the mirror
deal so I'm going to give the latter a go. It was actually A LOT harder than I
thought it would be, not to mention the fact that it was freezing
cold, beginning to rain and overall miserable. Obviously Ireland is
not the most ideal country for this type of amateur photography, but
especially this time of year, it is just so dark and dull all the time that I
felt I had no option but to just Instagram the whole thing.
of my favourite looks to wear is denim and leather, I love the different
textures together and the edge it brings to any outfit. Beware - you will see me
repeat this style a lot! Lately I have made some slight changes in my style,
with heels I have always worn platforms, platforms and more platforms, but
recently I have fallen in love with the simplistic pointed pump. I love
them so much I am going to need to get a nude pair ASAP! I don't usually wear
heels on an every-day basis, even though I for sure have more pairs of heels
than flats, I don't really have the confidence to rock them to the shops. But I
do much prefer the overall look they give so I'm pretty sure it will mostly be
heels here. Another change in my style lately is my handbag size, I would
normally swear by 'the bigger the better' but as of late I quite like the
delicacy that a smaller bag can bring. I adore this little yellow number, even
though it doesn't even fit my huge purse that was usually lost within
my huge bag! Complications!
I sincerely hope that my next photo blog will be of much better
quality and I won't wince at the sight of me freezing while awkwardly trying to
pose outside of my house.
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